I bought this bike brand new and it has been garage kept its entire life.Bike just had its 10, 000 mile service.The bike has never been laid down or dropped.I have put many add-ons on the bike ( i know this doesn't add much value but i wanted everyone to know what is on it). I had Superstition HD do the Stage 1 kit and put the Screaming Eagle slip-on mufflers on the bike. Windshield bag. Eagles head horn cover. I have a flame motif on the bike which includes: windshield trim, fuel door, rider and passenger floor boards, air cleaner insert, front fender piece. I added the bars on the saddle bags and pizza box, the saddle bag bars have lights in them. I installed a new inner fairing that is color matched to the rest of the bike, these normally come in black but i like the blue better. I have also added the filler pieces that are color matched that go between the saddle bags and the rear fender. The tires are in good shape and are still in the green on the tire gauge. Bike will include original owners manual, air pump for rear suspension, and a tool kit i bought to travel with.